Calton Street League


Photo Page

Friends of Calton






Over 60 Players "turned out" to show their support for the " Calton Player of the Year 2004 " .As did  David Hayman of  "Spirit - Aid", .With the the help of Davy ( and Liam, the camera-man), The C.S.L have been able to record " The Launch" on digital video.

  The other reasons for the launch , was to test the demand for the game of football being played on the the pitch @ St. James' in Green Street Calton. Glasgow.  So, Fair play to the sixty  players who braved the mild February evening..

This night was also about planning ahead for the next 3 weeks of football ( See " Dates , Times ,Facts" ).


The " Calton Player of the Year "  tournament , will hopefully be played in the style of an "Olden Days " street " Sidey".  Each team will start the game with  8 v 8 , if one team is to far in front ,  for example , 4 - 1 , then the other team can stick an extra player on the pitch. to a maximum  of 10 v 10.

   The players cannot be substituted , but can "choose" to leave the field to let another " Late" player  join the game.

 If you would like to more about the "Rules" , then pop down to the pitch @ St. James'........................................Bring your training shoes.........


If you are an S.P.L affiliated top class manager or player , or a world class football player who happens to be visiting "Glesga", and have a half an hour to dedicate to help enhance the " Calton Player of the Year " tourney , then don't delay and contact Gary Barton  143 London Rd. Calton .Glasgow. G1 5BS. or phone 07958407514.......or e- mail

The tourney will continue next week on Tuesday 17th Feb 2004.

 See " Dates , Times , Facts"  for all tournament details...................