Calton Street League


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Friends of Calton





Thurs..19th..Feb 2004

EXHAUSTION SETS IN..................

3 rd Night of Constant football................

High numbers again turned out for the player of the year tourney.

Tired legs all round, considering that most of the players have come out of retirement to take part.

As you might have gathered , the tourney has been split into 3  separate periods of time on the night. The early Kick - Off , 6pm till 7 pm is reserved for the under 13s, 7pm till 8pm is reserved for the 13 to 16 year olds,  and 8pm till 10 pm is reseved for the over 16s.

 Although if the players from the differant age groups decide that there is a space for an older or a younger who they would like to take part in there "Allocated Time Slot", then that player can take part. This keeps the games "Flowing". It also gives the players from each section a bit of "Player Power".